About Us

This panibin.com is a blogging website. Where we provide knowledge on various topics through articles. We reach the readers through this website by explaining the information in very simple and easy language.

This Panibin website provides information on education and technology-related topics. Each of our articles is researched to send the correct information to the readers so that the readers do not have any difficulty understanding the topics and the readers enjoy reading. 

So far I have told you some important things about my Panibin website. By which you can know about our website. Now I will talk about my personal life. Who am I? What is my educational background? And the journey to start blogging.

About Me

Hello friends, my name is Avi Raj. I am a resident of Burdwan city of West Bengal state. I have passed my graduate studies and am preparing for the next exam. I work part-time in a government office in our city for my expenses. I do this part-time job from 10 am to 6 pm. 

Then I work on blogging to give whatever free time I have. I belong to a poor family. As a result, I have to do many kinds of work to fulfill my small desires. I earn my pocket money by doing this. Before this, I have worked in many small companies for my financial needs.

In the rest of my free time, I work on this website to reach readers with educational articles. I have loved to write and read since childhood. I found this blogging as one of the best platforms to share my writings, so I started my blogging journey knowing about this blogging topic with the help of the internet.

The main point of Panibin is that every article on this blog is well-researched and explained in great detail, And tries to give correct complete information.  As a result, readers can understand these articles very easily.

I do all the work on this website by myself, such as writing various articles, making stories, and doing on-page SEO. I love doing website design, SEO, and article writing. I love to learn all these things. Thank you very much for visiting our website. Hope you like our website. Stay well stay healthy.


Avi Raj is the creator of the website Panibin.com

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